3 min readSep 23, 2022

OCEANTOKEN is the main asset of the project with the same name. This token is used to finance multiple cleanups allover the world as the one of Team Seas that also included Ocean conservancy and 4 ocean with a target of 30 000 000 pounds of trash. Also to finance development and deployment of new solutions to clean and to keep clean the aquatic space, like river barriers, trash collector…

Over the period of time, we’ve assisted major cleanup projects like TeamSeas and many others in the quest to eradicate trash from our oceans across the globe which stood as a tret to aquatic habitations. For those who are passionate about cleaning up our oceans and preventing ocean plastic – and more importantly, for the much larger group of us who haven’t given the matter much thought – the Ocean Cleanup Project by Oceanstokens sounds too good to be true.

Waste is a looming international crisis and the Ocean Conservancy estimates that a garbage truck load of plastic enters the ocean every minute and that more than $5b of new recycling and waste infrastructure is needed to address the problem. We might want to consider a solution towards a total eradication of waste and greater possiblities of earning at the cost of taking part in the cleaning and maintainance process of the ocean. We’ve presented much more greatness in areas of satisfying the interest of our investors with an open policy of $1 to the removal of 1pound of trash. We believe that, the only way we can bring scalable funding into crypto space through erradications of trash is by showing people that there’s a way to re-generate profits by supporting Oceantokens cleanup process.


In the crypto space, many loose the opportunity to invest wisely in major platforms that pays them off from every investments they make. If you’re an investor and want more bang for your buck in this space, you can have a role to play in solving the ocean plastic crisis, too.

At Oceantokens, we appreciate every investments made (small/large investments) by our investors and to show much of our appreciation, we give back to our community through a weekly distributions (dividends) of $OCNT.

Dividends can provide not only income, but they may also accelerate the payback on investment. Think of payback as a safety-net approach to stock investing. Nobody knows for sure how a stock is going to behave over time, but calculating a payback period helps establish an expected baseline performance—or worst-case scenario—for getting your initial investment back. Calculating a stock’s payback based on dividend flow forces you to address the following question: If this stock never makes me any money in terms of price appreciation, how long would it take for the dividend payments to bail me out of my initial investment? Dividend-paying stocks provide a way for investors to get paid during rocky market periods, when capital gains are hard to achieve. They may provide some hedge against inflation, especially when they grow over time. They are tax advantaged, when compared to some other forms of income, such as interest on fixed-income investments. Dividend-paying stocks, on average, tend to be less volatile than non-dividend-paying stocks. And a dividend stream, especially when reinvested to take advantage of the power of compounding, can help build wealth over time. Now is the time to utilize your investments and enjoy saving aquatic habitation.

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Oceans Token is a project that is helping TeamSeas in cleaning up our oceans and seas.