4 min readSep 15, 2022

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies have accelerated a global shift to open doors for change through the monetization of innovation. More specifically, innovators are calling for the development of more creative platforms for those who want to make a difference in the environment, and they’re willing to pay in crypto. Countries such as Haiti are using cryptocurrency as a beacon for change against the challenges they face as a developing country. Oceantokens is turning plastic trash into cash while partnering with Blockchain initiatives that direct game-changers to use technology as a new collective solution for protecting our oceans and building a sustainable future. Taking the time to clean up beach litter has numerous benefits, from saving animals to improving the local economy

If you go to the beach nearly anywhere in the world, you’ll find evidence of humanity washing up just about everywhere. Balloons, cigarette butts, and bits of plastic are very common to find on coastlines everywhere. Taking the time to clean up beach litter has numerous benefits, from saving animals to improving the local economy.

Oceantokens a non-profit organization that accepts cryptocurrency, has shown it to be effective for many reasons. Growing more widely accepted, cryptocurrency is now seen as a powerful donation mechanism as it addresses many of the challenges that are traditionally faced within environmentally-minded organizations.

Efforts such as these within the blockchain and crypto space provide poverty-stricken areas of the world hope through the encouragement of sustainable businesses and practices. Cryptocurrency is being used to promote the protection of the ocean and maintenance of wildlife. Many developing countries are slow to adopt the expensive and in many senses failed systems available from the traditional financial system, but they are open to digital currencies. Other non-profits are catching on to this wave of innovative financial technology.

How Cryptocurrency Can Help Save Our Oceans

8.75 million metric tons of plastic are being added to the ocean every year.

This pollution is impacting our marine ecosystems and wildlife habitats for seabirds, dolphins, fish, turtles, whales and many more vulnerable species. The many animals that call the ocean home are now incapable of creating a future without the negative impacts of our wasteful consumer culture.

We are leveraging activism that viscerally encourages an educational path of finding solutions to equip people with knowledgeable, mindful practices aimed at systemically transforming our culture.

Several companies are fueling this booming new industry which provides alternatives to plastics while giving a boost to the circulation of bio-friendly and eco-friendly food & beverage products. The Rising Tide Summit produces an array of resources for entrepreneurs and activists alike. It encourages creative minds to work together to develop sustainable projects that can stimulate economic growth while positively impacting our oceans globally. By building networks within environmental action groups, we encourage people to connect as they drive innovative start-ups, cultivate creativity and disrupt technology, art, and culture to promote a cleaner, more sustainable planet.


* We save marine animals:

Over the past few years, the world has woken up to horrifying headlines about sea life that has unfortunately died due to consuming or being trapped by the waste we throw in the oceans.

Oceantokens a non-profit organization that is also accepting cryptocurrency, has shown it to be effective for many reasons. Growing more widely accepted, making significant changes in the ecological system of Marine wide life and giving profitable chances to investors who play parts in the maintenance of our oceans.

we throw in the oceans. When our garbage washes up on coastlines, it gives us an opportunity to remove it before the tide washes it back out. Removing litter that we find on the beach guarantees that marine wildlife won’t come into contact with it and perhaps find itself imperilled in some way or another.

* We preserve our natural treasures:

Beaches are diverse, beautiful, natural treasures that are here for all of us to explore and enjoy together. Unfortunately, trash on our beaches jeopardizes these shared natural treasures. By cleaning up the beach, you ensure that visitors from all over the world can enjoy your beaches fully

*You keep toxic chemicals out of the water:

Cigarette butts are the most frequently littered item on Earth. As you might expect, this litter is one of the most commonly found bits of trash found in the ocean. Cigarette butts are small, but they make a big impact on clean water. After just one hour of exposure, a cigarette butt can contaminate almost 8 litres of water with unhealthy and dangerous chemicals. If you picked just 10 cigarette butts up off the ground, you’re saving nearly 800 litres of water from contamination.

* We help the local economy:

Seaside communities around the world get a huge boost to their economies from both fishing and tourism. When beaches are free of litter, tourists and visitors are much more likely to enjoy them and spend money at businesses near the beaches. If the water is clear of litter, fishers, as well as tourist-oriented businesses like scuba diving tours, are more likely to be able to make a solid living for themselves. Your beach cleanup will help the local economy!

* You create a safer environment:

Litter isn’t just unsightly, but it can actually be dangerous. Metal with sharp edges and pieces of glass can create a public health hazard just as much as an aesthetic one. These sharp pieces of litter can easily hide in sand and cause serious injuries! If you see items like this, be extra cautious when picking them up so not to injure yourself.

* You make seafood safer:

They say what goes in the ocean ends up inside of you, particularly if you eat seafood! According to one study conducted at Ghent University in Belgium, the average seafood eater is consuming 11,000 tiny fragments of plastic every year. The chemicals in these plastics can accumulate in our bodies over time and eventually cause health problems. So cleaning up your local beach means creating a healthier world.




Oceans Token is a project that is helping TeamSeas in cleaning up our oceans and seas.