Oceantokens Dividends Award ($OCNT)

3 min readMay 26, 2022

We show more enthusiasm by multiplying the investment rates of our investors and Oceantokens is delighted to congratulate it’s investors for their continuous support and contributions to the growth and development of Oceantokens project. There are more plans in initiating exciting activities to show more appreciations to everyone who deem it fit to support and invest in Oceantokens project.

Why dividends distributions by Oceantokens?

Dividends represents the distribution of moderate profits to shareholders, based upon the numbers of shares held in the company. It’s in expectant of shareholders that they invest in to return profits to them, but not all projects pays dividends. Some companies/projects keep profits as retained earnings that are earmarked for re-investments in the company and it’s growth, giving investors capital gains. Often, growth companies retain earnings while more mature companies resort to dividends payout.

Dividends are also attractive for investors looking to generate income. However, a decrease or increase in dividend distributions can affect the price of a security. investors looking for a steady income stream are more likely to invest in bonds where the interest payments don’t fluctuate, rather than a dividend-paying stock, where the underlying price of the stock can fluctuate. As a result, bond investors don’t care about a particular company’s dividend policy because their interest payments from their bond investments are fixed.

Why invest in Oceantokens to receive dividends?

The share market is a place where every investor dreams of accumulating higher returns and booking massive profits. Every investors look towards gaming from the share value appreciation as it’s their primary motto. In order to collect Oceantokens and $OCNT dividends, you simply need to own shares in our project. When the dividends are paid, the cash will automatically be deposited into the accounts of our respective stakeholders/Investors.

We are a prospective organization with a core aim of supporting TeamSeas and other project in maintaining the Marine Ecosystem. You might be wondering, Why invest truly in Oceantokens dividends? Dividends invested in Oceantokens tends to steadily grow over time with an average of 97%. A stock price will go up and down over time but once a dividend is been paid, the investor has a return of his investments. Also dividends from Oceantokens can be used to buy additional investments.

Oceantokens dividends are usually paid monthly but other schedules are also possible. Special dividends are one-time payments that should not be counted on to reoccur. The rising dividend stream not only provides an hedge against inflation, but also accelerates the payback on investments. Think of payback as a safety-net approach to stock investing. Nobody knows for sure how a stock is going to behave over time, but calculating a payback period helps establish an expected baseline performance.

Oceantokens dividends provide a way for investors to get paid during rocky market periods, when capital gains are hard to achieve. We provide a nice hedge against inflation, especially when they grow over time. A dividend stream, especially when re-investments takes advantage of the power of compounding, can help build tremendous wealth overtime.

To buy Oceantokens and $OCNT and be a holder to participate in dividends distributions.

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Don’t forget about our public VC on discord this Friday where you can ask all your questions LIVE with CEO of Oceantokens.

Date: 27th April at 3pm GMT and 3pm UTC in America. To participate, join our Discord server.

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Oceans Token is a project that is helping TeamSeas in cleaning up our oceans and seas.